Constitutive Equations » Permeability
One of the most used constitutive equation in papermaking is the permeability, which is widely used to describe fluid flow through a porous medium, viz. the fibre network, which later at the end of the paper machine becomes the final product, the paper.
, connects the fluid flux,
, alternatively, the
fluid velocity, to the hydraulic pressure difference,
according to Darcy's equation:
is the medium length and
is the fluid
viscosity. Permeability depends on the internal structure of the
medium, therefore it is often expressed as a function of the porosity.
For compressible medium it is often important to express permeability
as a function of the local porosity. This effect is often taken into
account in papermaking modelling.
A large portion of the relationships used in papermaking to describe the dependence of permeability with porosity can be divided in two main groups, viz. relationships based on the hydraulic radius and power law relationships.
Hydraulic-Radius Based Relationships
The relationships from this group are mostly used in the initial parts of the paper machine at relatively high porosities. All the available relationships in PaperSim within this group are derived from Kozeny-Carman equation:
where is the
Kozeny constant,
the specific
surface area in contact with the fluid and
the porosity. The
following relationships are available in PaperSim:
Power-Law Relationships
The relationships from this group were obtained empirically, and are usually of the form
are empirical constants. The different
equations appear through the replacement of the porosity for another
measure of state of the internal structure of the medium. The
relationships from this group are mostly used in later parts of the
paper machine at relatively low porosities. Among them, the following
are available in PaperSim:
- Power-law
- Nilsson-Larsson